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Luttez contre le cancer

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Why I Relay

You will be forever missed

On the morning of February 22nd, 2010 I got the phone call that my Aunt Joan had passed away that morning about 8am. She was just not strong enough anymore to fight this terrible disease.
I had plans to go to Toronto and see her in the hospital that weekend but I had a very bad cold. The next weekend I was going for sure because I knew I would feel better. Unfortunately I never got to say goodbye and to this day I still cry when I think about that.
My aunt "Joan Crawford" was always a person I could turn to and talk to about anything. We always laughed together and really enjoyed being around each other. Visits were a definite, whether she was visiting here or I was in her neck of the woods.
In 2011 I noticed a bump over my right eye and thought "what is that?"
When I finally went to my doctor and pointed it out he referred me to and eye specialist and that took about 6 months just to get in and see him. Well he did not think that it was anything to serious but we were going to have it removed anyways and then he sent it off to the lab for analysis.
Within a couple of weeks I was back in his office and that's when he informed me that it was a form of skin cancer called "Basal Cell Carcinoma". That was one of the worst feelings I have ever had. Lucky for me it is a form of cancer that will not spread unless left untreated.
I am a red haired person with very fair skin and I love the summertime. "Bring on the heat wave" is one of my favorite sayings.
Well I never worried about things like this before but when you hear news like this you realize that some things need to change. Sunscreen is a must from now on but I still need to realize the length of continuous time I spend outside and just be aware.
I have never shared this about myself with too many people because I don't really want to talk about it much. But if we are going to fight and win against cancer then others need to know. If this is what I have to do in order to do my part then so be it.
Please give if you can
Doug Reddick


2024 Société canadienne du cancer. Tous droits réservés. Confidentialité