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For my mom, my hero!

For my mom, my hero!
For my mom, my hero!

I relay in memory of my mom who lost her battle with Breast Cancer on April 26, 2011

The past few years I have been relaying in support of my mom's battle with Breast Cancer. She fought a very difficult 3 year battle and our family suffered through it with her. I can honestly say I can't imagine anything worse than watching someone you love so much go through this hell. For me, Relay was a way of doing something about it. It was all I could do. I watched my mom die on the Tuesday after Easter weekend at the age of 54. She was too young. She had 3 grandchildren whom she was just getting to know and adored and to her family was everything. I was not ready for her to go, I always pictured her growing old and I counted on having her there for me for many years. Without her my world was shattered and I've had to try and pick up the pieces.
This year I relay in her memory. She was the bravest woman I knew and I owe it to her to keep fighting.


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