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Bald and Beautiful

Bald and Beautiful
Bald and Beautiful

I relay for my sister Lucy who passed away last year about a month before last year's walk. She battled ovarian cancer for 3 1/2 years never giving up,never and losing hope, She is the reason I relay and I walk the track in her honour and memory.

At the beginning of her cancer journey Lucy had her picture taken shortly after losing her hair after her first chemo treatment. Posing with her was her granddaughter Hope, who had her long beautiful hair cut off to support her Grandma as well as her two nephews and my son all sporting freshly shaved heads. Standing together with her they let her know she was not alone in her fight. As the caption beneath the photo aptly states, Lucy was indeed "Bald and Beautiful".
Lucy taught us so much about faith and hope, courage. Strength and determination, and she was an inspiration to her entire family and her many friends. Lucy had walked as a survivor in the 2009 Relay For Life but was unable to participate in the 2010 walk as she was in hospital fighting yet another setback and sadly, on April 27th, 2011 she finally succumbed to this disease. She was an Over comer in every sense of the word and persevered to the very end with remarkable grace and courage. Although we miss her very much, we wouldn't wish her back for a moment as she is now free from pain and suffering and forever in the presence of her Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Well done, Lucy. You lived well, you fought hard, and we will always remember you for showing us what it means to be an Over comer.


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