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Relay Makes me STRONGER!

Relay Makes me STRONGER!
Relay Makes me STRONGER!

I am a strong women fighting Cancer and Relaying for my close friends Mother and my friend who lost their fight. As well a friend who is having a very tough battle right now. Relay is a way to pay it back as well pay it forward.

I was diagnosed on March 8th. 2011 with Ando Carcinoma stage 4 Lung Cancer. This was a quite a shock as I was preparing for a drug trial with Crohnâ'TMs Disease. Which I have suffered since I was 16 years if age. I had been experiencing blurred vision and some flashes of bright lights in my eye. I called the most amazing Optometrist in St. Thomas, because I honestly believed she saved my life. She said there was so much pressure on my brain, asked me to sit a minute and when she came back she said I am sending you right away for a CT scan at STEGH. The next day I was on my way home from University Hospital. My cell phone rang and I was requested to come to Victory Hospital immediately. They needed to talk to me on some of the results for the Crohnâ'TMs testing. Confused I turned around and headed to Victoria Hospital Wing A. Well I kind of laughed when I seen they had sent me to the Cancer Clinic. The laugh was on me for sure! Within the hour... and me telling the doctor he had the wrong patient. I am a Crohnâ'TMs and Colitis patient, not a Cancer patient. Long story short within an hour I was told of my new found illness which was a tumour that started in my left upper chamber of my lung and had travelled to my right frontal lobe and left frontal lobe of my brain. Within a week I was in very invasive Radiation treatments to the brain tumours, followed by weeks of Chemo. I completed these treatments in August. In December of 2011 on a follow up MRI they notice a new dark spot on my Left lateral brain and said we would just do a new MRI in 2 months to see if it grows or could be burnt tissue it went from 1 mm to 3mm so one again I am back in Chemo. Life is good. I have a wonderful Man, great son, mother and a load of AWESOME friends. My caregiver and rock Lynn was there more than I will ever be able to thank her for. Iâ'TMm a FIGHTER and STRONG women and have so much to live for!


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