Canadian Cancer Society

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We will always remember

We have lost many in our family to cancer, and I personally have lost many close to me. Our family continues to battle cancer today. From it we are stronger and we will always remember those we have lost.

My life will never be the same because of this terrible disease. This year marks 10 years since our family lost an amazing woman. My wife was a very young and healthy mother who loved life. She loved more than anything her little ones and was so excited about having our 3rd little one. We do not know when she got sick initially the cancer moved through her body so quickly that before we could even learn what was wrong she was gone. As she passed my daughter’s life was spared but because of the cancer taking over my wife’s body she was born with many challenges. This year also marks 7 years since the effects of cancer claimed my little daughter. My two boys have grown up wondering what their mom and their sister were like. We have moved forward over the years and formed a new family only to fight the battle again and lose my father in law just over 4 years ago to cancer. My father now faces an uphill battle with cancer and it has reminded us again how devastating this disease can be. For all of these reasons we are again taking up the cause and joining this year’s relay. We pray for a world where no one has to endure the challenges of losing a loved one to this disease.


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