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my legacy
my legacy

My mother was diagnosed with lung cancer five years ago...about 10 years after her father succumbed to the same cancer....

My mother was an exceptional I know everyone feels the same way about their mom but really...she was...just ask any of the students that went through George Bissett Elementary School during the 20 some odd years she was secretary there. She had a very large family and we heard stories nightly of all of her "other" children.
Five years ago, my mother walked the Relay for Life with the Cole Harbour Butterflies, 6 weeks post-chemo....four years ago we walked in her memory. Many of my family members, my grandfather, my grandmother, cousins, aunts and uncles have been affected by this horrible disease. As have many of the family members of my team members, one of whom is a survivor of cancer.
We walk for all of our family and friends who have succumbed to this disease but more so WE WALK FOR OUR CHILDREN and our friends children so that maybe someday they will not have to tell the stories of the family members they have lost but of the many survivors that walk with their teams.


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