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A Journey

My journey from diagnosis to relay.

I was diagnosed (eventually) with lymphoma. What a fright. What will we do next? Luckily I had a great Dr. who made all the plans. He got me to the Juravinski Cancer Centre right away. I was met by one of the Cancer Society Volunteers as I stood lost at the reception desk. She took my hand and guided me directly to where I had to go. She gave me information and guidance on all the programs I might need. She was a friendly face in a strange place. This treatment centre is a wonderful place, bright and airy, helpful staff and wonderful volunteers. After a few months of chemo under the watchful eye of the great staff --- REMISSION.
That was in December, in June of the following year I was in my vehicle driving home listening to the local radio station when I heard something about Relay for Life. It was that day and I was a bit late but I went anyway. The Survivors had pretty much finished the lap but a friendly volunteer took my hand and walked with me around the track so I would not be alone. I stayed for tea and cake, conversation with fellow survivors, and on into the evening when the teams were introduced and began walking around the track. What a sight --- all these people walking, having fun and raising money for Cancer Research and Programs.
I know very well how much this means to a Cancer Patient -- It was me they were walking for. I have been every year since to the survivors lap and volunteer in the Survivor Tent and this year I am the Survivor Chair. Not that many years ago my type of Cancer was very difficult to get into remission and now because of Research I am in Remission for 5 1/2 years and expect to be for many more.
With great Joy I am pleased to greet each day. Jill


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