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Memories are good but having you still here would be awesome

Life is short with cancer...it comes fast and takes away loved ones before you are ready to let them go...we can't bring them back but we can save some others from leaving us with only memories. with research many lives are saved now.

I lost my mother when I was only 33 years old and she was a young 58 years old. If she was alive today with the type of cancer she had she would still be alive thanks to new treatments and per screening etc.. My girl friend Jean and Chris the same thing...Carole went too fast, and my sister-in-law Lou went to fast...My nephew Danny and niece Sandy are still here that’s to new treatment and research so I walk for the cause out of love , remembrance and for hope that maybe some of the funds I raise for the research team will help someone else like friends and families can be spared this horrible disease... Please help me help them...We have to find a cure .......and we cannot do this without every ones help..if you pledge me I will walk till I drop if it will help some others.....


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