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Why do I relay....

Cancer has touched my life pretty much since the day I was born

Why I relay...? Cancer has touched my life pretty much since the day I was born. My mom's twin sister lost her battle to breast cancer when I was eight months old.... I am 30 now and to this day my family struggles with loosing yet another member to cancer. My husband’s younger brother, Captain Matt Walsh, better known as Uncle Matt, lost his fight almost a year to the day.
Cancer has brought a lot of pain to my family but it has also made us stronger... I relay for many reasons. Not just for those I have lost, but for those who have overcome and beat it! I relay for my children... May they NEVER have to lose another family member or friend again and may they NEVER have to hear the words "you have cancer". I relay for my family, for friends, to show support of those I do not know but most of all, I relay for a cure!
Aunts, uncles, brothers, grandparents, cousins and friends... Same won and are stronger, some not so lucky and are missed dearly... ALL have made me stronger.


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