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So Many Stories to Share

So Many Stories to Share
So Many Stories to Share

Nearly every person I know has been touched by cancer in some way or another, including myself. Please read why I relay and how you can pay tribute to a loved one.

Ever wonder why anyone would want to walk around an outdoor track for twelve hours overnight? I have been participating in the Relay for Life for over five years. Initially it was my father's survivor story that drew me to the event. Prior to that, I donated to others who participated in the walk.
I remember that first journey around the track and I was walking beside my co-captain, a survivor (more than once). When I was only a quart of the way around the track, I looked back over my shoulder and the parade of survivor shirts followed us and there were others leading us around the track. I knew there was a reason to be there, but in that moment, I knew I was not the only one affected by cancer.
In preparation for my all night journey, I had created two lists of names of people I knew (and some people I didn't know, but who were important in the lives of friends or co-workers). One list was for "survivors", the other was "in memory" and I dedicated several laps to different people so I could walk to "Celebrate, Remember and Fight Back".
The luminaries and lists I carry in my pocket have grown over the years and I'm happy to report there are many more names on my "survivor" list.
This year I am dedicating my nightly trek to Bekki and Cherylle, two incredible ladies who have shown amazing strength during their battles with cancer. Sadly, I am also lighting luminaries for Joe, Maureen and Lynn who lost their battles. That's one way to pay tribute to those special people in your life. The lighting of the luminaries has become a tradition. Their glow and the heat they emit keeps us warm as we walk and remember.
Our team participation has grown over the years; I'm sure we tripled our support last year. We've also discovered that you can have fun with the teams around you in various ways. It's wonderful to encounter so much team spirit and amidst the laughter, there are some tears and those times are important to remind us why we relay.
Raising money for a cure for all types of cancer is my primary goal, yet I also raise awareness. Please support the Relay for Life by making a donation, buying a luminary or volunteering your time. We are making a difference with every lap around the track, every hug and every story.
Thanks for reading my story.


2024 Soci?t? canadienne du cancer. Tous droits r?serv?s. Confidentialit?