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For Rachel

One of my close friends passed away from cancer 2 years ago, I'm volunteering for her.

Just over 2 years ago, one of my closest friends was diagnosed with rhabdomyosarcoma, a type of tumour that attaches itself to the bones. For about a year and a half she struggled with chemo and radiation, different kinds of medication and all the terrible things that follow. Not once did I ever hear her complain. Around that time, doctors thought the cancer was gone and we were all overjoyed. But then, it came back, in new places around her body. The doctors gave her a few months to live, and at this point I was so hurt I began to push myself away from her. I know I should have been there because at this point she needed her close friends and family the most, but I hated seeing her in pain. And when the end came, I wasn't able to say goodbye to her, and to this day it still hurts. I know she must know by now everything I wanted to say, but still knowing that I wasn't there when I should have been hurts a lot. I miss her more than anything, but I know she's so much happier now. I am volunteering for her, and for other people who are suffering or are close to someone who is suffering because I believe that one day we will find a cure, and nobody will ever have to suffer through this again.


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