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Fridays with Annabelle

I was her birthday present when she was 2 years old

Annabelle was my sister and we shared the same date of birth - I was her birthday present when she was 2 years old - needless to say she for many years was not happy with that.
However as the years went by she did finally, not that she had a choice, accept it and we never missed talking to each other on our birthdays.
When we became adults, I moved to Alberta and remained there for 38 years - so we only saw each other during summer holidays when I would come back to Nova Scotia to visit our family. I can truly say that we grew apart in our adult lives and really did not know each other.
When I came back home to live in 2008 I wanted to make up for lost time and I wanted to spend more time with my siblings. Annabelle lived about an hour and a half away from me so we only still saw each other during family events. Then in March of 2010 she was diagnosed with the dreaded C word. At first we all thought ok, she has cancer but she is one tough lady and will overcome this. In June of that year we had our usual family reunion and as siblings were so shocked when we saw her - she had already started chemo and was having adverse effects of it - we knew she did not want to see us upset so we all went into the house and huddled together and had a good cry - then put a smile on our face and went back to join the party. That is basically what we did for the rest of her journey. We never let her see the tears - only the smiles.
From that day forward, I started the Friday road trips from Middleton to Black Point to spend Friday afternoons with my sister. This truly gave both of us the opportunity to get to know one another as adults and to share some very precious memories. I would not trade those times for anything. She remained positive that she was going to beat this THING called Cancer - she had great courage and never complained and only wanted to remain positive. She taught me a lot during these Friday afternoons about courage and acceptance and about not giving up.
However in September of 2011 she had to be admitted to hospital - she cried and knew that she would not make it back home. I was going on a holiday and asked her if I should go and she said yes - I gave her a big hug and kiss and said "if you have to leave before I get back, it's ok" - My brother came and spent the evenings with her and the night after I left she lost her battle and now she suffers no more. I miss my sister and I miss our Friday afternoons.
So this is why I walk and am always so grateful that I am able to walk and try to support all of those, like my sister Annabelle, who have lost their battle and are not able to walk.


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