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Most of all Diane <3

Most of all Diane <3
Most of all Diane <3

I do this mostly for my friend may she RIP Diane Muise

Cancer is something you always heard about someone died from it, someone survived it but it never really affected me as I didn't know anyone personally. ...
A few years ago before we stopped speaking my Biological mother ended up having a 15 pound cancerous mass removed from her stomach it was scary... that's the first time cancer became real to me, I have since learned that its linked to obesity meaning I’m at high risk on account of my weight.
I've lost an uncle to cancer, my great grandmother whom passed before my birth (nanny landry) passed from cancer, and now my friend Diane.
Diane was the hardest as she was much more than a friend she was a woman I respected, admired and loved. She helped me become a better person she took me in off the streets years ago gave me a home, a friend and hope.
She didn't even make it a full year after finding out she had cancer. The doctors kept increasing her puffers and insulin for asthma and diabetes when they finally realized their error the cancer was quickly spreading. All they could do was offer chemo until she had enough.
Thankfully my last words to her were I love you and I miss you, I had no idea how true the last three words would be. I never saw her again she passed when I was home in Quebec visiting family. I have yet to go to her grave I don't know if I am strong enough.
I walk for Diane Elizabeth Muise.


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