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A Life Taken Too Soon

A Life Taken Too Soon
A Life Taken Too Soon

My 13 year old son and I are walking this year in memory of my Dad, Colin's Papa. He was taken too soon from his family, we miss him very much. So with every step we take together for us it is a step of fighting back and steps of hope.

it’s hard to believe it's been year already that we had to say goodbye to my dad, not a day goes by that he is not in our thoughts. We watched helpless as cancer stole him away from us, way too soon. It made us realize how precious life is, but also how short it can be. I know there are so many stories the same as ours. That's why my 13 year old son and I are walking the Relay for Life this year. With every step we are fighting back, and with every step giving hope.


2024 Soci?t? canadienne du cancer. Tous droits r?serv?s. Confidentialit?