Canadian Cancer Society

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Our Fight

Our Fight
Our Fight

Our daughter Tracy had a lump 3 years ago, had surgery, chemo ,radiation. she is doing excellent

I remember Mother's day three years ago when our daughter asked me to feel the lump. I will always be scared for her, no parent wants her daughter to look at you with such a fearful look and cry because she has cancer and to find out I passed on the brac1 gene to her and my son and maybe grandchildren down the road. That gave me the terrible feeling of guilt that I could carry this gene and pass it on. BUT to know and be tested regularly is a big step in looking after ourselves and passing on the knowledge we can catch it earlier. I support Relay for life to walk and show in numbers WE CARE and A CURE has to be found. It gives us HOPE in seeing the survivors that we are getting closer to finding a cure. THERE MUST BE A CURE FOUND, A CURE THE CAN BE TREATED WITHOUT CHEMO AND RADIATION


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