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Luttez contre le cancer

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It's never too late!

As the story goes...you don't know until it happens to you!

As the story goes...you don't know until it happens to you!
The day I was told that I had breast cancer, I thought Oh my
God! How do I tell my family!!! I had a sister that died from breast cancer, my father died with pancreatic cancer and now I had to tell my family that I had cancer as well. I did not care what was going to happen to me at the time I did not want to put everyone through hell. So for them I was going to be strong and I was going to live to a ripe old age!!!
Then, to add fuel to the fire, my mother passed away that very same night. Wham! take that! But we stood strong as a family and pulled together and did what we had to do and move on.
I have now gone through six rounds of chemo, a mastectomy and 30 rounds of radiation. We as a family have gotten the toughest of times and are bragging about it now.
So as a family and good friends we have joined forces and created our very first Relay for Life team. I also sit on the committee for Relay for Life and I really starting to take appreciation for the wonderful event.
I wish I had been involved a long time ago, but never too late!!


2024 Soci?t? canadienne du cancer. Tous droits r?serv?s. Confidentialit?