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Believe you can make a change

Believe you can make a change
Believe you can make a change

I fought for over 3 years and finally one when asked harder then I ever asked for help. Don't give up, It is so tuff but stay mentally strong.

Thyroid Cancer was my battle along with a blood disorder and no spleen to help fight off infections. Every day I practised mind over matter and reading the secret. I asked God a lot to take me home from the pain I was in mentally and having my family back away because they didn’t know what to say. It was the hardest eye opener I ever had and that hurt the most. This Feb. I went in for radiation for the 3rd year and radiation has taken so much from me, I prayed harder than ever because I couldn’t fight anymore. Cancer sucked the life out of me and the chest pains from no thyroid medication and lack of food during the radiation prep almost killed me. I was told I was cleared and the dr. was amazed. It is a horrible feeling having cancer and worse seeing people you love with it. Please don’t give up and mentally try to stay strong when you least expect miracles to happen they might. I relay because I was given the chance to try to help someone else and I really hope that I do help in making a change. Cancer Sucks.


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