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December Days

I relay in memory of my mom

Hi, I relay in memory of my mom. She died in 2009 of bladder cancer. From the beginning of 2009 right till December 2009, she struggled with cancer. At first, she kept reassuring us that she was going to be okay, and I believed her. Little did I know that she wasn't really going to be ok. I was 12 at the time and I didn't really understand. My mom was really, really strong and kept a brave face. Never did I see her cry that entire year. Mom would always tell me to be strong whenever she saw that I was in pain. To this day, I remember the day she was diagnosed. I had just come home from basketball practice and everyone was sitting around my living room with mom sitting on the couch with both of her sisters. The way everyone looked at me, I knew right away that she wasn't ok. I was right. Throughout the year, our family stuck together and mom was fighting a strong battle. December 21st, my mom lost that battle. I knew when my pop pulled up to school, that she was real sick. So I went home and everyone was surrounding my mom’s bed and slowly we watched her pass. Ever since then, my family has stuck together and helped each other out. We all relay for my mom. She will be forever loved and missed. I love you mom!


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