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In Memory Of My Dad

In Memory Of My Dad
In Memory Of My Dad

I Always Gave To The Canadian Cancer Society,But Never got Involved in Relay.This Year I Want To Be A Part Of It,#1 Reason For My Dad.

May 4th, 2011 My Dad Larry Earle Senior Loss His Battle To Brain Cancer. My Dad Never Had a signs of been sick, no headaches or anything.28 days After We Found out He had Brain Cancer he passed away. My Dad was a very quiet man, with a very beautiful "smile"and he gave everyone he came in contact with that smile. I believe my dad deserves to be recognized and remembered, so my sister and I felt the BEST thing we could do for our dad right now would be to join 'Ribbons of life "team. Our Dad is in Heaven Looking down and saying....come on my girls raise that money so no one has to lose their dad to this cancer.....this is why I relay.


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