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Luttez contre le cancer

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Cancer...it hits everyone

why I relay

I have been touched by cancer since 1972....earlier really but that is when it became really real to me. I lost my Mother in 1972 of cancer she was only 52 years old. I have lost several relatives and several friends over the years. What got me involved in the Relay was a friend who lost her fight to this horrible disease. I relayed with her for 2 years before she lost the battle and have been a participant ever since. I again lost a family member in 2008...my sister. We need to find a cure for this monster and if relaying and collecting money is a way to help do that I will continue as long as I am able. We never forget the ones we have lost and the Relay is a great night to remember, celebrate and fight back.


2024 Société canadienne du cancer. Tous droits réservés. Confidentialité