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I Miss My Mom

I Miss My Mom
I Miss My Mom

My Mom was diagnosed with Colon Cancer June 2011 and passed away August 21, 2011. We only had 3 months to get used to the idea that we were losing her very quickly and that no amount of medical treatment could stop this dreaded disease.

My Mom was the healthiest farm lady ever and we expected her to live a long and healthy life. She was always proactive in her health care and had routine physicals. She was diagnosed with Colon Cancer in June 2011 and died August 21, 2011 at the age of 73 years. I am still getting used to the idea that she is gone. It all happened too quickly and I miss her every single day!!! I walk because I hope that other families can be spared this pain if only we can find a cure. I walk for the grandchildren that Miss Nanny so much so that their generation may find that cure. God Bless all that feel the pain of this disease.


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