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Why "Cristina Crew" Relays

Why "Cristina Crew" Relays
Why "Cristina Crew" Relays

To Remember a Daughter and Sister, to Remember a Best Friend and Cousin/Niece

Relay For Life in Sudbury 2012
Cristina's Crew

Why "Cristina's Crew" Relays
To Remember a Daughter and Sister
To Remember a Best Friend and Cousin/Niece
To say CANCER SUCKS and F@#! CANCER and work to beat this disease
On March 5th, we were all speechless from losing a life that had too much living left to do. Cristina pushed herself to live out loud and fiercely fought to do this until the end. SHE WAS SO MUCH MORE THEN THIS DISEASE AND ON JUNE 1st WE WALK TO HONOUR THAT!
If you weren't blessed to know Cristina, you sure missed out! She was many things (coach, teacher, gymnast, role model), but no matter how she knew you, she changed your life. I have never met another person like Cristina. She was generous, intelligent, creative and beautiful. She had a light about her, to the point that she literally lit up a room! There's too much to explain here, Cristina did it all and she did it so well.
During the last four years, while battling with treatments in Ottawa, and teaching, and coaching, and running fitness classes, and living in British Columbia, and Dance Partying it Up...Cristina took time out every year to Relay. She was the one leading the stretches, decorating the tent, and sending out smiles.
We will be forever grateful to have known Cristina, and our memories will live on forever. She could inspire the uninspired - STRONGER! The end.
Now it's your turn!! Help us to continue Cristina's Fight. Help us to work towards no one else having to say goodbye to someone they admire so much!!

Join us in the fight against cancer by supporting our team now. It's easy - just click on the blue "Donate to this team" button to make a donation to the event.


2024 Soci?t? canadienne du cancer. Tous droits r?serv?s. Confidentialit?