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Cancer cut his life short, but never got his ~~Spirit~~

Cancer cut his life short, but never got his ~~Spirit~~
Cancer cut his life short, but never got his ~~Spirit~~

I never met a real hero, before my brother became one. I am compelled to fight for a cure, following my brothers fight. He was gung ho on doing a comedy for cancer. any fundraiser for cancer is still fighting the cause.

Robert Darren Ireland "Bobbie"
July 5th, 1962-April 2nd, 2012
Ocular Melanoma (surprisingly not caused by sun/tanning beds)
(Started in his eye, a tumor) he said it felt odd and he could see his bottom eyelash. He said he told is Ophthalmologist who said we will just keep an eye on it. After one year it still was there, that's when it was discovered it was a cancerous tumor. Bobbie fought this round and it went into remission. Four years later, going for a cataract (radiation induced cataract from treatment) and it was discovered another tumor in his eye, only this time the cancer had spread to his liver and it kept spreading, he fought a brave fight. He kept his spirit, his dignity, his comedy, fun loving, caring, compassionate, giving persona right until the very end. I am so proud of my little brother, he was courageous and very brave. I will fundraise and participate in hopes of finding a cure as well as walk in memory of those who can no longer walk.


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