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Never Forgotten...

In February of 1998, our mother at age 36 was diagnosed with lung cancer...

She was treated by invasive surgery, intensive chemotherapy, and radiation therapy. With two children aged 8 and 10, our mother never stopped smiling and kept her positive attitude through the entire journey. She told us once that her biggest fear was that we would eventually forget her, but her smile, laugh, and warmth are still vivid in our minds. Our mother passed away on September 6, 1998 after the short but relentless battle with cancer. We will never forget her, and the Relay for Life fundraiser gives us the chance to continue her memory and to help fight cancer so that one day, other's will not have to lose someone they love so much to such a horrible disease.


2024 Société canadienne du cancer. Tous droits réservés. Confidentialité