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My fight with Ovarian Cancer

I was diagnosed Dec. 24th., 2009 with Stage 4 Ovarian Cancer!

On Christmas eve 2009 I was told by my dr. that I had a mass on my ovary which was stage 4...not knowing exactly how bad that was I just told myself that I could fight it, I started my chemo three weeks later, with the help of the amazing oncologists in Halifax NS I listened to all they said...they told me to the day when I would lose my hair...which was a devastating thing for me, to how I would feel after every treatment, I lost my dad to cancer and all his 6 brothers as well as my granddad, two cousins, and my mother in law has fought it three times and won!....I have been living with my mother who has dementia for 5 years and when I was diagnosed I had to put her in a nursing home, which I never had wanted to do, but I couldn’t look after her...I am an only child and all I could think of was there was no one else to look after nothing could happen to ME! I fought it and have been cancer free for two years so far...I get a little nervous whenever I have to go for my checkups but that is normal I would assume...the best advice I have is to have a very positive attitude toward this can be fought if caught early...definitely!...if anyone has a lump or bump or a pain that is not normal do not wait! I thank all the dr’s, nurses, my family first and foremost for all the support and help that they gave me...I really don't think I would be here if not for so many people...I am here and I will keep fighting to find a cure!


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