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Honouring My Mother

Honouring My Mother
Honouring My Mother

Three and a half years ago our family lost our mom to cancer, Pancreatic Cancer. I miss her terribly and so does everyone who knew her. This team gives us an opportunity to come together and share her memory and help the cause.

Every year the Relay comes and the plans begin costumes, fundraisers, meetings and Laughter. Remembering the people we have all lost to cancer and bringing hope to one day find a cure. My mother was all I had left, my father died when I was two so I have little to no memories of him. All of my siblings were much older and so my mother and I were more than just mother and daughter, we were friends. She was the strongest woman I have ever known, when my father passed she was left to raise us on her own. She is truly remarkable. I want to keep her memory alive. One of the ways I can do that is to create a team in her honor. My Partner, my two sons, my two cousins and 6 amazing friends (whom I consider family) have committed to making this year another great year! I am going to post some pics of last year’s event so you can see all the fun and work that is put into it and I hope you will help us reach our goal. Thank you for taking the time to read my story and know that every contribution makes a difference.


2024 Soci?t? canadienne du cancer. Tous droits r?serv?s. Confidentialit?