Canadian Cancer Society

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I have indured the hardships of losing family and friends to cancer. As a young girl, losing a favoritie Aunt, as an adult losing more Aunts, my Mother-in-law, and a very dear friend.

I have seen the heartache cancer brings to those who are diagnosed, and to the families and friends. As a young girl, I lost a cherished Aunt to cancer. Not understanding what IT was, just the name sounded awful. In my adult years I have lost more family members to cancer. My mother in law, my brother in laws sister and a very dear family friend. Not to dwell on the negative, the are triumphs as well, my sister in law, fought and won. One of my old friends and employees has fought and won, a very close friend’s husband has fought and won....So why do I others can fight and win. With fund raisers and events like Relay for could we not win! Join, donate, and help win the fight!


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