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In memory and in support

I am Relaying for many loved ones

Sadly, like many of us, I am Relaying for many loved ones, both those who have lost the battle and those who have won -- hopefully for good.
In 2004, my Dad was diagnosed with throat cancer. He had been a smoker virtually all of his life and had made the decision to quit the year before. Unfortunately, he got cancer anyway and had to undergo radiation therapy every day for many weeks. There were times when he wanted to give up, and I remember him saying that he what got him through were thoughts of me and my Mom. It was that love that got him through the tough times. His cancer was cured, but we were told that that cancer was a secondary cancer and that they could not find the primary cancer. In 2007, just 16 days after his only grandchild was born, he left us to watch over us from heaven. I don't want anyone to have to go through the pain of losing a parent, of never knowing a grandparent, or of losing a best friend and spouse like my Mom did. That's why I Relay: So we can beat this disease and have as many moments, years, and lifetimes with our loved ones as we possibly can. Let's fight so cancer doesn't steal any more memories in the making from us.


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