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This is why I relay!

This is why I relay!
This is why I relay!

So many people are affected by cancer. I for one have had my share of loved ones pass away and some lucky enough to have survived, and so have you. So please support someone in the walk against cancer.

I'm writing to all of you, in hopes that a few of you, if not most of you will support me as I walk in the "Relay for Life " the walk for cancer. It takes place here in Truro on June 15th. As many of you know this is a yearly event for me, and I want to tell you why I do this.
In the past 9 years or so I have lost my Dad, two aunts, and a grandparent to cancer. A very dear friend of mine fought and survived cancer, a remarkable man who I looked up to for many years and was my grade 6 teacher has just fought for the second time in 10 years and now an Uncle who has just recently fought, and still has to heal. These are just a few people that have touched my life in the last few years. As I walk the track from 7:00 p.m. until 7:00a.m on June 15/16th I will remember and think of how cancer has taken or tried to take so many people in all our lives. I will stop and read every name on the luminaries and see if they are in memory or in honor of, and that is what will keep me walking all night. When I get cold and weary and not know if I can keep up, I will look at those candle burning and keep up the race.
Some may ask what the money goes toward and not sure if it goes in the right direction, but as I have spoken to some who as survived I know we must be doing something right. Many people I have come across have had the pleasure of visiting the Lodge That Gives in Halifax and have told me what a wonderful place this is. When they are going through such an awful time and yet people have a smile on their face and it gives you the strength to keep on going. That is why I walk!
So please take a moment and think about it and if you will please sponsor a team or an individual you know who is participating. Every bit counts.
I thank you for your support,
Love Angela


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