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Because Cancer Affects so many

Because Cancer Affects so many
Because Cancer Affects so many

Our family young and old have been Walking for Relay for life Oakville as Happy feet for 5 years now. And as a group for 9 years in total. Cancer has been a significant shadow in the lives of Grandparents and friends. Fund a cure!!

As a family, we have shared the battle with cancer for many years as we have lost parents and grandparents and friends. Happy Feet walks to help raise both awareness and dollars to combat this horrible killer. One day, we on Happy Feet hope to Dance a celebration of a cure/prevention not just walk for the funds necessary to find them. Please support our walk to one day dance by pledging to Happy Feet's walk in Oakville on Fri June 1st 2012!!


2024 Société canadienne du cancer. Tous droits réservés. Confidentialité