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I relay because I CAN, I relay because I am able. Relay is 1 night to Release all my frustration against this Disease a way of FIGHTING back for all it has Caused. 2012 is the 10th anneversary of RELAY in our Town I am HONORED to participate in the FIGHT.

I lost my aunt in April 2012. August 2009 was the last time I seen her when she was first diagnosed. The last time I seen her we had a heart to heart, Her words will forever be in my mind. I am passionate by nature and the last thing I wanted was to lose was another family member to CANCER. I am walking in Memory of my husband’s FATHER his UNCLE My GrandFATHER, UNCLE and AUNT. I am walking in CELEBRATION of my step mother in law sort of... Stephanie for she Battled and SURVIVED I am walking to SUPPORT families having to deal with CANCER. The walk for 12 hours HELPS me RELEASE the anger hurt and frustrations in a way that TRULY IMPACTS lives everywhere. I SUPPORT the Canadian Cancer Society and its work here in NORTHERN ONTARIO This is a way for me to give THANKS for the support of all medical stages needed to research and battle this In hopes that more Birthdays can be celebrated. With the tremendous CARE and COMPASSION of REGULAR PEOPLE getting together raising money to help is the least I can do. I am PROUD to have the support of my fellow employees and co-workers at OLS who all have their own personal experience one way shape or form with CANCER. We all share the common DESIRE to give a helping hand and participate in a CAUSE to FIGHT CANCER. RELAY 2012 will be no doubt difficult to do but in comparison to what a patient goes through I will endure. In the end another day will rise for me I will sleep and awake and every day that I do I will


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