Canadian Cancer Society

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Why I Relay

Why I Relay
Why I Relay

I relay so that one day no one will have to feel the pain that I have felt loosing so many loved ones to Cancer.

I relay for my aunt, who never got to see me graduate high school but taught me my most valuable life lesson "You can cry as long as you want today, I can cry as long as I want today. But we have to promise ourselves that tomorrow we will get up again and fight." I relay for my hero, Kenny, who left us way too soon. I relay for my uncle who missed out on so much of my life. I relay for my great grandparents whom I never got to meet. I relay for my family and for my friends, those who I have lost and those who have won the fight. I relay so that one day no one will have to feel the pain that I have felt loosing so many loved ones to Cancer.
I relay so that one day we can find a cure; so that one day Cancer can be a thing of the past. I relay as a way to fight back, as a way to show Cancer that I refuse to stand by and watch it take my family and my friends away from me. I relay because although cancer can do so much, it "Cannot cripple love; it cannot shatter hope, or corrode faith or destroy peace. Cancer cannot kill friendship, it cannot suppress memories, it cannot silence courage and it cannot invade the soul. It cannot steal eternal life and it cannot conquer the spirit."


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