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Stef's Story

Did you know that on average, 500 Canadians will be diagnosed with cancer every day...

Whose life has not been affected by cancer in some way? Let's face it, most of us know at least one person who has been diagnosed with this disease at some point. I am certainly not an exception to this rule. The word 'cancer' is one that we all know, from a very young age. And it is a word that follows us through our lives.
For these reasons, and for countless others, both my Mom and I have been making donations to the "Relay For Life" for several years now. But this year, we are both participating in the event! And we need your help!! Every dollar counts! And every donation is appreciated more than you will ever know!!
Both Mom and I have our individual reasons for choosing to raise money for this cause... My primary motivation for doing so comes from 3 very important people in my life who have had to face this disease. First, my sister-in-law Catherine, cancer survivor and participant in last year's Relay in Burlington. Second, our team's dear captain Anne, who inspires me every day to be happy and grateful for the blessings in my life. And lastly, my grandfather Clifford McKinnon, who passed away just a few short months before my Mom found out she was pregnant with me. Because after all, every little girl should get the chance to know her Grandpa...


2024 Société canadienne du cancer. Tous droits réservés. Confidentialité