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Walking for Allan!

Walking for Allan!
Walking for Allan!

Although both of my parents and my stepmother have had cancer it really hit home for me when my husband first found he had it. Our life has significantly changed and staying positive in the face of cancer has been very hard for us. We will fight it!

I lost my mother to cancer in 1981. Both my father and stepmother have had cancer. We have walked in relays to support them and my husband has always been part of the team. Three years ago he told me that he had gone for a full physical and the doctor wanted to run more tests. One thing led to another and those tests led to biopsies, surgeries and radiation treatments. I thank every day that he wakes up beside me because we have more time to fight this disease. Our daughters have been team captains and we have been walking now in his honour. We will continue to fight and with the support of all other teams and the Canadian Cancer Society I hope that there will eventually be more treatments and cures for cancer. It is so important for many to fight so that many more can win.


2024 Société canadienne du cancer. Tous droits réservés. Confidentialité