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I Relay for my Mother

For those of you know me, I'm a Mama's boy, and not scared to admit it!

In April of 2010, my mother Bonnie, was diagnosed with Stage 3B Cervical cancer. The initial prognosis wasn't good, and the doctor's gave her a 30% chance of surviving. After months of radiation and chemo, outstanding care that she got from her doctors, and pure stubbornness, we found out at Christmas of 2010 that she was 100% cancer free. Who says miracles don't happen?
This year, we are celebrating her one year of being cancer free by once again taking part in the Relay.
Last year, our family entered our team, "Cousin's Against Cancer" in the MRV Relay. This year, we decided to change the name a bit. Instead of "Cousin's Against Cancer" we are now known as "Cousin's for a Cure". As much as we are against this disease, we are even more for finding a cure!
Last year, the Relay in Doaktown raised over $30,000, and our team was responsible for raising $9000 of that total! This year, we hope to raise even more!


2024 Soci?t? canadienne du cancer. Tous droits r?serv?s. Confidentialit?