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Why I Relay

Why I Relay
Why I Relay

I relay, raise funds and awareness and volunteer my time for my Dad and for my friend Terri.

You always think that you are safe and immune to terrible things happening to you or your family until cancer makes a visit to you or someone you love. That person was my Dad. He was diagnosed with colon cancer several years ago. He lost that fight just a little over 2 years ago. In my eyes, my Dad was superman. Handsome, strong, a protector and always there. He was the first person to call me Suzieq. He was there for all my successes and failures and he and my Mom always made me feel secure, safe and loved. When I lost him to cancer my whole world changed. I will never have the luxury of ever feeling truly safe again. I Relay so that others will never have to lose someone they love to cancer. I Relay so that my children and grandchildren will be safe from this monster. I carry my Father with me every single day in my heart and I feel especially close to him at Relay and I would like to believe that he is proud of me for doing so.
I also Relay for my friend Terri who lost her struggle and a long fought batter with breast cancer. She so inspired me with her courage and her openness to teach others about what it was like for her to live with cancer every day. She was dedicated to Run For the Cure and Relay. I Relay for Terri`s husband and for her children and her grandchildren. I feel that I owe it to her and that I continue the fight that she so bravely waged.
I also Relay for Peter. He was such a strong role model and mentor in my teen years and he left much too soon. Peter was full of love, light and laughter...he truly was and I miss him
It`s easy to be negative and say that one person can`t make a difference. It`s easy to sit back and criticize people and organizations that are involved in fighting cancer. But if we don`t try our best...if we don`t fight...then the yellow cowardly bastard that is cancer really wins.
So on June 22nd I will once again walk....I walk for Dad, Terri,Peter,Gramp Bill and many of John`s family members who are no longer with us. I Relay for those who are living with cancer today and who are beating it. I Relay for my children and grandchildren so they may never know the darkness that cancer can bring.
Keep me in your thoughts and prayers this year as I Relay. If you can get involved in Relay yourself, volunteer, buy a luminary or make a donation to myself or another participant it is greatly appreciated.
God Bless


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