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Why I Relay

Why I Relay
Why I Relay

I was just starting out in the real world

Cancer is defined in the English dictionary as an evil condition or thing that spreads destructively. Cancer changes your life, it is destructive, it is evil, it captures many but it does not kill the hope, the courage, and the strength that is in everyone and anyone affected by its vicious attack. Winston Churchill once said "If you're going through hell, keep going".
My mom was diagnosed with throat cancer in 2006 and my father was diagnosed with thyroid cancer in 2008. I knew what cancer was and I understood the impact it had on people's lives, but it's like they say you really don't know until it hits home. Cancer changed our home. It put a different perspective on life itself in our house.
I was just starting out in the "real" world. I had just graduated from college and was about to embark on a new life of my own when my mom was going through her first round of treatments. Nothing puts you more out in the "real" world like a good reality check. My mom had cancer and she was sick. She would travel daily into St. John's for treatment, she was getting weaker, tired and worn out with all the treatments, hospital stays, medication, the fight was wearing her out. My mom ultimately defeated cancer and has been in remission for 5 years now. I don't think I have ever told her how proud I am of her; her courage, her strength, her determination to fight the evil disease. My mom is truly an inspiration in my life.
In 2008 the intruder known as cancer entered our doorway once more. My dad this time was next on the list to fight the evil beast; he was diagnosed with thyroid cancer that spring. My mom had only been in remission for a little over a year and our home was only just starting to pick up the pieces of the last battle. Once again cancer wanted to fight. My dad had surgery to remove his thyroid and had to go through extensive radioactive treatments that summer. He was tired. He was the rock that kept my mom going through her battle and now he was fighting his own. My dad stayed strong. He defeated the evil cancer and has been cancer free for almost 4 years. I am so proud of my dad. He was strong through my mom's fight and stayed strong for his own. Both my parents are my inspiration. Cancer may have lost its evil battles in our home but scars last a life time. Another great quote I once read. "When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on". ~Franklin D. Roosevelt.
So, why do I relay? I relay for my parents. They are my hope, courage and strength. They inspire me.
Please support me in the Canadian Cancer Society Relay for Life so I can do my part to help fight the evil cancer beast. Let's all help to find a cure. We all know someone affected with cancer or are affected by cancer in our own life...Please donate!!


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