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Luttez contre le cancer

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My mom was daignosed with cancer January 2006. It's been a rough 6 years. I love her so much. Here's our amazing story.

In January 2006 the Lebel family faced devastating news. My mom was diagnosed with cancer. I still remember the exact moment she told me she was diagnosed. I was 8 and my sister Emily was 6. I remember one school night I was just finishing up my math multiplication worksheet when my mom called me to her room and said "I need to tell you something. Come in my bed and cuddle with me." At first I didn't know what was about to be said but I knew that there was something wrong as soon as I looked into my mom's eyes. I hugged her tight hoping that it would make her feel better. Then she said "Rebecca, mommy is sick. I have Hodgkin’s. It's a type of cancer." When i heard the word cancer my mind went blank. The world stood still. It was silent for a while. Then it hit me that this was a big deal. All these thoughts started going through my head. How could this be happening? I can't live a day without my mom, she's my everything. I can't lose her. Tears started to run down my cheeks and I gave my mom the biggest hug. I squeezed her so tight and thought maybe by doing that the cancer would just squeeze out of her. Every time I hear the word cancer, I get goose bumps. Then she told me that everything was going to be okay and she mentioned the hockey player Mario Lemieux and how he also had Hodgkin’s but he is now cancer free and still living today. That gave me a little more hope and strength that maybe we could win this battle. My mom’s always use to say "Put your big girl panties on and deal with it" and I guess that's just was I had to do. I knew I had to be mature about the situation. I was the older sibling therefore I had to be brave for Emily. I had to tell her and give her hope that if we all take care of mom together it could make her better and we could win this.

We had quite the journey. When mom was off work for a year she wanted company while dad was at work and Emily and I were at school. So she did all the research and decided to get a dog. We ended up with 2 additions to the family. Our chihuahuas, Zsa Zsa and Little Louie. Then two years later after a romantic weekend mom and dad brought back another puppy, a chihuahua and poodle mix. The baby in the family Delilha. The pups were definitely there through all the highs and lows of mom’s sickness. They were there through it all.
Through the battle I would always ask myself, why her? Why did it was to be her that got sick? How could such a wonderful woman and amazing mom go through all this pain and suffering? It hurt me to watch her struggle and be in pain. Nobody deserves to go through this terrible disease.
Our friends and family were there for us and helped us when times were rough. I'm so thankful for all the family and friends that are a part of my life.
The worst day of my life was when my mom was diagnosed with cancer but the best day of my life was January 18 2012. After a fun night out with friends at ski club my mom told me and my sister that she had to tell us something. She sat down on one of the kitchen chairs and said "I went to the doctors today," Emily and I looked at each other and grabbed moms hands. I started to worry. Is it good news? Is it bad news? I looked at my mom expressionless. Then she said with a smile "The doctor said I'm finally in remission. I'm cancer free." When I heard the words cancer free and remission come out of my mom's mouth my legs went numb and I fell to my knees. I started to cry. My mom started to cry and my sister started to cry. This time it wasn't sad tears, it was happy tears. We were crying with joy. My dad stood aside and didn't understand why there was so much water works. He was confused why girls cry at amazing news. The female species and male species work completely differently. I was the happiest person alive. It was like a huge weight had been lifted off of my shoulders. A whole 6 years and 2 weeks or worrying finally came to an end. I hugged my mom so tight I never wanted to let go. She is the bravest and strongest woman i know. She is my best friend, role model, my super hero and my everything. When I grow up I want to be exactly like her. I can't live a day without her. She is truly a gift and such an amazing woman.
Relay for life is very important to me and my family and I look forward to it all year long.
I want to say to all the people out there who have loved ones who are fighting this ugly disease; I have you in my heart and mind. I give you my prayers and intentions. Stay strong and be brave. You've faced the battle and you can win the fight!


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