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I relay for my mom

My mom was 58 years old when she died, she had 4 children she loved and 4 grandchildren she really cherished!! Mom has always taken care of all of us and will continue to do so through all of our years of greatness and sadness. She was amazing!!

My mom was only 58 years old with all her children in their 30's and her 4 grandchildren 5 and under when she passed away. She found out she had cancer in Feb, and after a few surgeries to keep her going a lot of pain and sickness, a fight to continue to be a mom and a resistance to just take care of herself she passed away Aug of the same year. My mom was an amazing mom, sister, daughter and dear friend. She had a beautiful smile and contagious laugh.
She was off for 4 years previous with 2 knee surgeries and I valued and now really value the time I spent with her during that time. She was really evolved with her grandchildren and enjoyed every minute of it. She lived with me during her recovery and spent a lot of time with my son who was a year old.
Before she died she was able to meet and spend some time with the latest grandchild who was born in March and shared come quality time for the first 5 months of her life.
Mom still takes care of all of her children and her grandchildren. She has given some amazing hugs, shared some time with her grandchild and called us to tell us she is proud of us, all through our dreams.
We love and miss our mother and grandmother


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