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A Family Legacy that needs to be stopped!!

I am the 3rd generation of my family to be hit with cancer. I am the only survivor. I want this family legacy to stop with me. I don't want my kids or grandkids to ever have to receive this diagnosis!!

In 1987, I lost my father to lung cancer. He lost his mother to uterine cancer when he was 12 and his father to throat cancer in his 30's. In April 2012, I was diagnosed with uterine cancer. I had surgery on May 9th and thankfully, I was one of the lucky ones. Due to early detection, I am now cancer free. My kids were very young when they lost their grand-dad but they have had to watch other family members and a friend die from cancer. My diagnosis hit them hard. I am walking this year as a survivor on my daughter’s team and my dearest wish is that a cure will be found so that this family legacy will end with me and my kids and grandkids will never have to hear those dreaded words.


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