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Keep positive! Even when things get bad find that one thing that makes you happy.

I take great pride in surviving my battle with cancer and the Relay for Live is the perfect opportunity for me to share my story with others who are still fighting!

In 2005, I was diagnosed with Myelodysplasia (MDS) and I was terrified. In late 2006 my battle led me to have a bone marrow transplant. It was tough and there were times when it was hard to stay positive, but my family and friends helped me to find things to look forward to. I have now been in remission for five years and I've learned to cherish everything that I do have and dwell on the things that are out of my reach.
Last year was my first relay and it was a night full of ups and downs emotionally. It helped me to remember what was important to me.
This year I am the Team Captain for our group and I can't wait to have another night if memories and stories.


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