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A Family's Love, A Mother's Strength

After watching my girlfriend's family go through the pain and the anxiety of learning her Mother had breast cancer, I was moved by the strength of family and the resiliency of the ties that bind...

My girlfriend, the beautiful, happy girl whose smile is nearly a permanent fixture and whose spirit is typically indomitable, was crushed. Her mother had cancer and I will remember that time as being one of worry, sadness but through it all, hope. A tight-knit group anyway, I was astounded at the way her family united in faith and prayer upon a whole new level of bonding. Her Mom survived through her strength, with the help of God and through the power of love but the determination and grit, love and support, faith and hope I saw displayed at that time not only made me want to help in any way possible, but also left me honoured to witness such an example of what family can accomplish. My girlfriend's smile is back but with it, a new determination that together, we all can help defeat this enemy once and for all.


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