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Luttez contre le cancer

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My motivation to Relay

My Motivation to Relay
My Motivation to Relay

To remember my uncle Bucky and celebrate the times we beat cancer.

The past 3 years have been rough for my family with the loss of my Uncle Bucky to a genetic Cancer and the beginning of my journey 2 months later. I will always believe if it were not for my Uncle Bucky I would not be here now. I had not felt well for a while and none of the tests came back showing any issues. (This is quite common for this type of Cancer.) My Uncle saved my life and allows me to watch my baby boy grow up and be in the happiest place of my life. So with this life experience you can understand what my motivation is for being involved in Relay for Life.
I miss my uncle daily even though I know he will always be my guardian angel. Love you Uncle Bucky and forever remember and miss you.
I am sure you all can think without too much of a pause of someone you have lost to this disease or maybe you are watching a family member battle to be with you at this time. Please help me raise money for this cause and let’s stop this disease from taking our loved ones.


2024 Soci?t? canadienne du cancer. Tous droits r?serv?s. Confidentialit?