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I Survived but Mom did not

I was diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer 16 years ago and I am still hear to share with others. My mom was diagnosed with Breast Cancer 7 years ago and lost her battle last year.

Can you imagine being diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer at the age of 32? Talk about scary! First thoughts that go through your mind are who is going to look after my children. I went through 2 surgeries and 6 months of chemo - lost the hair - no more bad hair days for awhile... I believe my family, friends and sense of humour got me through one of the most terrible times of my life. My husband was my rock!
Seven years ago mom was diagnosed with Breast cancer that had her lose her breast, go through radiation and chemo. One year of remission then it attacked her back - more radiation and chemo. She was a strong person - never complaining but she lost her battle on January 31, 2011.


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