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I lost my Dad and Dad in Law to cancer

I lost my Dad (Colon Cancer) and Dad in Law (Liver Cancer) in this two years.

I lost my Dad (Colon Cancer) this earlier month (Early May 2012) and Dad in Law (Liver Cancer) two year ago. These battles are never easy. Me and my family members spend so much in appointments with specialist and hospitals during the treatment. (even sleep overnight). I will never forgot those moments of tears, hardship, tiredness, stress and depress we got through and the pain that both of my dad and my dad in law they go through (especially when my dad's cancer spread to bone and bladder).

But I encourage everyone and their family member who is in the fight, don't give up. I know you are in a bad mood, frustrated, no appetite, tired all the time and even painful, but don't lose your hope and fight. Because your family member are there and they don't want to lose you.

In here, I specially thanks the CCS South Region transportation team (especially Betsy) and its volunteers for their big support for my dad to go through the radiation treatment in Sunnybrooke. Without you guys, it is really hard for us to make up the time and do the treatment.

Thanks CCS, and those do and support the Relay for us tomorrow, thanks for fighting it together with us. Your overnight shares our experiences that all the family members that go through the fight, (like many times I go hospitals at 2-3 pm, spends at least 4 to 5 hours there, or the time we went through). Although I can't join (because I just know it today), but I will come by and visit you guys and show my support.


2024 Soci?t? canadienne du cancer. Tous droits r?serv?s. Confidentialit?