Canadian Cancer Society

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I Relay for an amazing grampa with bottomless pockets of candy...

Every little bit helps. Every step matters. Help me make a difference!!

Recently, our family has been touched by cancer. My father-in-law, Dave, a busy farmer, was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma. This was a man who lived for the long days in the tractor, milking his cows twice a day EVERY day for over 30 years and feeding 100+ animals each day. Shortly after Christmas, and only a couple of weeks after diagnosis, he went from the busy life of a farmer, to being cooped up inside, sitting around, and eventually getting around in his van just long enough to check on his grandkids (all 9!!) and his fields.

His treatments have been successful, but one more big procedure lies ahead. Dave is a tough and stubborn man. Cancer won't beat him. He wouldn't let it. But on June 2nd, I walk for a man who has inspired me, who has been an amazing role model to his kids & grandkids, and a great man of our small community.


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