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It is never enough

It is never Enough
It is never Enough

People in my life affected by this terrible disease...CANCER.

I am always compelled to do something to fight cancer. Why? I never met my mother-in-law, she died of breast cancer. A co-worker once complained about back pain. The next thing he knew, he had cancer, and died 3 years later. Another co-worker saw a spot on her scalp, later on discovered it was skin cancer. She fought back, underwent chemo, radiation and finally came back to work only to discover a year later that a mysterious lump appeared on her neck. Cancer. She died at the age of 42.

Another dear friend, complained about chest pain, was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. She left behind a husband, a daughter and a son. Complaining about stomach pain, another friend was soon diagnosed with cancer, and only two months later, his son was diagnosed with leukemia.

Finally, on a personal note, only six months ago, I lost my best friend, my strength, my everything. My mom. As she grew older, she began having health issues, notably diabetes, and through the course of extensive tests, they found a mass in her lungs. Before we could grasp the unthinkable, her life was suddenly in jeopardy. She lived another 6 months. Cancer. That terrible disease.

These are just the people in my life, how about in your life? There's still so much to do, so many battles to fight!


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