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what I've learned and inherited from my Mom

Hi my name is Betty-Ann and June 3rd is my birthday. I am a 62 year old, overweight smoker who is participating to Relay for the first time. I was (and am) very afraid to do this. I can't walk very far without losing my breath and feeling self conscious about it. People will either laugh at me or criticize my life style. My Mom (Mary O'Hara) overcame many obstacles in her life. As a child she suffered many illnesses that left her weak and bedridden for many months. As a young woman she had cervical cancer that deprived her of more children. In her later years she contacted bowel cancer and beat it. In between these episodes she had many surgeries and losses in her life including her addiction to alcohol ( which she also overcame). She was always positive no matter what she went through. She beat each of these difficulties by having a positive outlook on life. Her motto was "Whatever happens happens" and "Let go and let God". In the last stages of her life she was so peaceful and content to let whatever was going to happen happen. That doesn't mean she didn't fight tooth and nail in the beginning. As a child when in the throes of delirium if she had taken the hand reaching down to her, this message would not be written. As a young woman if she had said no to surgery our lives would have taken a different path and again this would be a different message. Cancer finally did win out in the end and took her on March 8th 2011.
So who am I as her child not to face my difficulties head on and with the courage she taught me. That is why I am doing this relay, to let everyone know that you can't fight an enemy (cancer) by sitting at home and praying it doesn't happen to you. You have to get out and do something about it. Whether it’s by doing Relay for life, as a walker or just to encourage others to keep going, or even giving a donation to help in the research for cancer. Mom taught me to keep going and when I fall, get back up and go another couple of feet but go on. This is my way of "PAYING IT FORWARD" for Mom. Keep going and don't give up.
See Mom life is not in vain you taught all of us what it’s like to suffer but also to keep going.


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