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Kidney cancer sucks but Life is good!

Kidney Cancer Sucks but Life Is Good!
Kidney Cancer Sucks but Life Is Good!

I'm a 3.5 year survivor of kidney cancer (renal cell carcinoma) and I've commemorated my support team and my mantra with a 'Life is Good' tattoo

In Sept 2008 when my doctor said 'you have kidney cancer' I had never heard of kidney cancer. I thought it was a death sentence - your kidneys filter your blood, so the cancer MUST have been coursing through my body.....wrong! I lost my left kidney & adrenal and then my ovaries - whatever - who needs 'em! I Relay For Life to raise awareness of kidney cancer as I am now a layman's expert! To commemorate my 1 year survivorship in Sept 2009, I had a 'Life is good' tattoo inked on my left wrist with cherry blossoms surrounding it. Each one pays tribute my family, a friend, a member of my medical team, or a new 'friend' I made while seeking support & companionship with other cancer patients. People comment on it often & it allows me to spread the word about Kidney Cancer. It is no longer 'an old man’s disease' - I was a young 51 at diagnosis - God willing I'll be an ol' broad before it takes me! Left kidney replaced by much prettier left for me! Life is good! Enjoy today, it's all we've got!


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