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Luttez contre le cancer

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I Relay For Life....

10 years ago I never knew anyone who had cancer, now today I'd need more than two hands to count how many people I know who have had it -including my best friend, my mother who battled it twice - losing the second one. Please God, one day we find a cure!

Everyone relays for a different reason. My main reason for relaying is in memory of my amazing mom who battled the disease twice - breast cancer in 1999 and then leukemia in 2003; the latter of which she lost. I Relay in memory of my Aunt Dawn, my mother's sister, who lost her battle with bone cancer in 2004. I Relay for my uncle Charlie who recently won his battle with the disease. I Relay for a friend's son, Ken who also has had to fight this horrible disease. I Relay for my cousin Chad who has had to battle this terrible disease more times than one person should ever have to. But so far he has come out on top every time...kicking cancer in the you know what!!!

I Relay for all the people I know, but also for all the people I don't know who have been affected by this disease. I Relay so a cure can be found one day and we won't have to lose loved ones to this disease ever again. I Relay because there is life after cancer!!

Cancer has a way of making us feel helpless - like there's nothing you can do whether you have cancer yourself or if you're standing beside someone and helping them deal with it. But there is something you can do - and that is participate in the Relay For Life to help raise money for this terrible disease - and that money will be used for so many things - most importantly finding a cure so one day we won't have to worry about losing our loved ones to this terrible disease anymore! I Relay For Life!!


2024 Société canadienne du cancer. Tous droits réservés. Confidentialité